Effective corporate governance is a key part of our overall approach to sustainability. Our Board of Directors has primary responsibility for governance and has adopted a set of Corporate Governance Guidelines which provide the framework which our directors and management team use to effectively pursue Apogee’s strategy for the benefit of our shareholders. We also outline key components of our governance framework in our Annual Proxy Statement.

Our Board, together and through its committees, has overall responsibility for Apogee’s risk oversight as well as corporate responsibility, including environmental, social, and governance matters. The Board works together with our management team to identify risks and their relative magnitude and develop strategies for mitigating these risks. In addition to oversight, we regularly review our policies and procedures across the organization to ensure we are meeting our stakeholders’ expectations.

More information about Apogee’s Board of Directors, committee composition, governance guidelines, and additional corporate governance documents is available on the Corporate Governance page in the Investors section of our website.


Ethics & Compliance

At Apogee, we conduct business with the highest degree of honesty and ethical behavior. We value the integrity of each of our employees, leaders, and members of our Board of Directors. Our culture demands not only legal compliance, but also responsible and ethical behavior.

Our Code of Business Ethics and Conduct incorporates our Company's values and defines the policies that support our honest and ethical business practices. All of Apogee's directors and employees receive annual training on our Code - which is available in multiple languages - and certify that they have read and understood the policies.

Our employees are encouraged to report activity that they believe to be unethical or illegal. We have established procedures for reporting suspected violations and provide an internet and telephone-based reporting tool that assists management and employees to work together to address violations in the workplace while helping to cultivate a positive work environment.

Visit our Corporate Governance page to view our Code of Business Ethics and Conduct.


Recognizing the growing risks in today’s business environment, we have developed a robust information technology and cybersecurity risk management strategy, which includes oversight from our Board of Directors and management team. Our strategy includes a training program for all employees, ongoing testing to evaluate the effectiveness of our cybersecurity program, and regularly working with external advisors to assist with evolving our risk mitigation strategies.

Board of Directors

Board Composition and Diversity Highlights

The composition of our Board of Directors features a majority of independent directors and a diversity of background, skills, and experience that facilitate effective oversight and enrich Board deliberations on strategic planning, operations, risk management and other critical topics, as illustrated below.


Board of Directors charts


Governance Documents

Board of Directors